Мне нравятся пятиструнные басы, они дают больше свободы и преимуществ. Несколько раз я играла на таких во время концертов, чувствовала себя естественно.
I'll Walk Through The Fire With You
Альбом 2006 года
I'll walk through the fire with you
I'll dream every dream with you
I'll look in your eyes, I'll tell you now lies
It's being to close, that's keep us so far apart
we get burned by each other's light,
but we share the same heart
too many world, too many fights
to many fear and sleepless night
I'll walk through the fire with you
I'll dream every dream with you
I'll look in your eyes, I'll tell you now lies
I'll Live your desire with you
I'll sing every song with you
I'll right every wrong for you
higher and higher, let's dance on the wire
I'll walk through the fire with you
The truth is too hard but you don't like the game when i play it
the truth is you hear what you want to hear
and i had to hurt you to say it
are we so different are we the same
when pushe comes to shove
we're both to blam
I'll walk through the fire with you
I'll dream every dream with you
I'll look in your eyes, I'll tell you now lies
I'll Live your desire with you
I'll sing every song with you
I'll right every wrong for you
higher and higher, let's dance on the wire
I'll walk through the fire with you
It took so longe to understand
and all you had to do was take my hand
and everything we say, make me walk away
don't want to hear it now
but it's gotta be said, and how
let's walk through the fire
I'll walk through the fire with you
I'll dream every dream with you
I'll look in your eyes, I'll tell you now lies
I'll Live your desire with you
I'll sing every song with you
I'll right every wrong for you
higher and higher, let's dance on the wire
I'll walk through the fire with you