Я никогда не останавливалась. Было столько прекрасных групп с оригинальными и безумными образами, оригинальными и сумасшедшими идеями. В основном, все свое время я провела в турах, ТВ-программах, интервью и в студиях. Пожалуй, об этом можно даже написать книгу. Возможно, я так и сделаю.
Альбом 2006 года
Both of me, reality, tell the truth who do you see
scratch the surface of my mind and you will find, Duality
take a trip to destiny, outta control, you're hooked on me
fate I fearless cruel plays kind, he look behind, Duality
Flash burn touch the sky
trick turn who am I
wild child drink me slow
I'll go to places you can't go
crash churn trash about
quick learn spit me out
wild child I'll take the blow
devil's dance where angels go
Two Minds, Duality. That's my reality, my sexuality, my duality
Both of me who do you see, tell me truth, reality
scratch the surface you will find, I'm in my mind, duality
things are never whats the seem
mu hope my fears, my broken dreams
buried deep in the desert dust
buried deep in that place called lust
Flash burn touch the sky
trick turn who am I
wild child drink me slow
I'll go to places you can't go
crash churn trash about
quick learn spit me out
wild child I'll take the blow
devil's dance where angels go
That's my duality, that's my reality, my sexuality, my duality
Flash burn touch the sky
trick turn who am I
wild child drink me slow
I'll go to places you can't go
crash churn trash about
quick learn spit me out
wild child I'll take the blow
devil's dance where angels go
That's my duality, that's my reality, my sexuality, my duality