Цитата Сьюзи Кватро

Джоан (Joan) была моей самой большой поклонницей, также как и Крисси Хинд (Chrissie Hynde).

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Suzi Quatro

Русскоязычный фан-сайт

Keep A-Knockin'


"This song is dedicated to all you 16 year-old girls out there.
You know when all those boys come around asking you all for a date
You just got to sit back and be cool and tell 'em one thing".
You keep a-knockin, but you can't come in
You keep a-knockin, but you can't come in
You keep a-knockin, but you can't come in
Come back tomorrow night and try it again
You say you love me, but you can't come in
You say you love me, but you can't come in
You say you love me, but you can't come in
Come back tomorrow night and try it again
You say you love me, but you can't come in
You say you love me, but you can't come in
You say you love me, but you can't come in
Come back tomorrow night and try it again
You keep a-knockin, but you can't come in
You keep a-knockin, but you can't come in
You keep a-knockin, but you can't come in
Come back tomorrow night and try it again
"Now on this next bit here I want everyone to sing along with me. It's very easy.
All the boys gotta sing 'You keep a-knockin''and all the girls gotta sing
'But you can't come in'. You got that? Let's try it".
You keep a-knockin, but you can't come in
You keep a-knockin, but you can't come in
You keep a-knockin, but you can't come in
Come back tomorrow night and try it again
1 2 3

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